How many people receive Easterseals Central Illinois services each year?
Easterseals Central Illinois serves upwards of 7,800 families per year.
Every year, more than 1.5 million individuals benefit from Easterseals services nationwide.
Additionally, Easterseals helps more than 100,000 physicians, therapists, and other professionals learn ways to improve services for people with disabilities through professional education programs.
How is Easterseals Central Illinois supported financially?
Easterseals Central Illinois receives funding from a variety of sources, including private insurers, government agencies, and fee-for-service.
To make our services accessible to as many people as possible, Easterseals also relies on public contributions. Public contributions help cover the difference between actual program costs and what our clients can afford. Help us continue to provide exceptional services by making an online donation.
How are the funds disseminated?
Easterseals Central Illinois is proud of putting your donations to work effectively. Approximately 87% of Easterseals revenue supports therapy programs and services for children and families in Central Illinois. Learn more about how we put that money to use in our annual report.
Is Easterseals Central Illinois a non-profit organization?
Yes. Easterseals Central Illinois is a non-profit provider of health and human services, incorporated under the provisions of Section 501©(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Does Easterseals Central Illinois have a religious affiliation?
No. Easterseals Central Illinois is not affiliated with any religion and does not discriminate. At the core of the Easterseals Central Illinois mission is a commitment to serving all individuals regardless of their background or beliefs.