Caterpillar Foundation Volunteer Service Match Program
The Caterpillar Foundation is proud to announce the launch of the global Volunteer Service Match Program to support our employees in their volunteer service to worthy causes.
For every 10 hours an employee volunteers and records, the Foundation provides a $100 USD grant to a charity they've volunteered with (the employee's choice). A maximum of $1,000 USD (up to 100 hours) per calendar year may be matched per participant.
Volunteer hours completed starting January 1, 2023 and beyond are eligible for the program.
While there is no action required on your part, as a valued partner, we wanted you to be aware of this new program.
Program Details:
· Who is eligible? Eligible Caterpillar participants are limited to global active, full and part-time Caterpillar and Solar employees on Caterpillar payroll, U.S./Canada Progress Rail employees on Progress Rail payroll and members of the Caterpillar Board of Directors.
· Which charities and schools qualify? Eligible charities and schools mirror the Caterpillar Foundation Matching Gifts Program eligibility, which include most U.S. 501(c)(3) charities/schools and charities registered with the United Kingdom Charity Commission, Charities Aid Foundation America, Australian Business Register or Canadian Charities Directorate.
· What is the definition of eligible volunteer hours? Contributed time, effort and/or talent (without financial gain) dedicated to help an eligible charity or school further their mission.
· Will charities need to log in and verify volunteer service hours? No. The Caterpillar Foundation does not require that the charity or school verify the volunteer hours or volunteers service match request the employee records in the Caterpillar Cares portal. We rely on the Caterpillar participant to diligently keep track of the volunteer service completed. Participants must certify that their hours of service are true and accurate to the best of their knowledge and comply with the provisions of the program.
· How does the Volunteer Service Match payout process work? The Caterpillar Foundation will pay out volunteer service match requests on a quarterly basis via ACH bank transfer. Charities that have not previously received ACH transfers through the Caterpillar Foundation will be contacted directly by the Caterpillar Foundation to obtain ACH information.
· Deadline: The deadline for employees to record hours and submit volunteer service match requests is January 31 of the year following the volunteer opportunity.
· How can charities help promote this program? Direct eligible employees to the Volunteer Service Match website.
For more information:
· Visit the Volunteer Service Match website.
· Check out the detailed program guidelines and FAQs.